Sunday, July 28, 2013

Quick Play Street Fighter 2 Turbo (Snes)

Its finally that time again...Quick Play. This time we have an all time favorite that should get a full review but its my page so BLAH.

Now for Starters Im a terrible gamer in the fighter genre but i do have fond memories of playing this game and the fact that I suck will not affect the way that i speak on this game.

This Picture is not from the exact title that i am speaking on
but its the only double Hadouken that i could find.
Street Fighter is one of those games that settles arguments between brothers and caused rivalries with other family members. For most they loved and others just wanted to get better. This game introduced a plethora of characters and signature moves which are all staples in the Street Fighter Franchise. I mean come on who doesn't love to hear Ken or Ryu Scream Hadouken or Shoryuken and saying it along with them.

Character Selection Screen which showcases
 every fighter and their country of origination

Street Fighter 2 Turbo follows one of twelve fighters through a tournament style fighting competition. most may remember the original Street fighter 2 where there were only 8 playable characters but in this version the four "boss" players-M.Bison,Balrog, Vega and Sagat are now playable characters.  To my knowledge there is no real story behind this game and if there is can some one please let me know by either Twitter or email.

Most people remember the Street Fighter franchise as i do before the 3D renditions and that was the fun in our childhood. Even if you could only do the down back forward punch Hadouken or if you learned every combination in the game you love this game. Regardless of which Fighting game series you play now if you grew up in the 90's you have played this game. This game is easily on my list of must own games and still-in my mind at least-still holds its own.

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