I was looking for a an interesting game that would challenge me mentally and this one just happened to offer cake as a prize for finishing a few test.

When it comes to story there is isn't much that is disclosed in the game itself. You are dropped into the game and find that you are in a fairly small enclosed glass chamber with a bed, toilet , clock and radio. Soon there is a computerized voice which goes by the name of GLaDOS that starts to speak to you and actually offers you a way out of your what feels to be cage at the cost of you performing a few test.The way out is a little strange because through it you can see yourself and at this point you find out that you are a woman who's name and origin is a complete mystery. It is after a few test that you find out that this seemingly nice voice with promises of cake has a different plan for your future.
Game Play

Portal is a First Person Action Platformer title, and i know it sounds strange but it works. By this i mean that you are always looking threw the perspective of the character using a gun that makes the portals that you were able to get out of your cage with to perform the before mentioned test for GLaDOS. Like i said it is a very interesting concept because this allows you to either quickly move across the map,and is the only way without dying in most cases. Another interesting thing is that our main character who goes by the name of Chell wears special boots that make it so you do not get damaged by falls.Through out the game you have to traverse the labs which feel as though you are the only living thing in the entire facility,yet it seems even with the Sentry Turrets, Rockets, energy balls and inescapable sludge. The thing that was the most threatening to me is GLaDOS.
The Controls are simple if your aware of how to play any first person shooter for example Call of Duty. Oh you are? Well then you too can play this game. It is that simple to just pick up and the controller and play. The only buttons that you have to learn are the crouch, pick up and jump buttons. its not much but this game puts your brain to the test sometimes even with the simplified controls.There really aren't any complaints on the controls to this game.
Graphically this game looks good providing the player with the feeling that you are being watched. Obviously by GLaDOS, but you feel like you may legitimately be in a lab test.
The Bad
The Biggest problem with the game is the length. This game is just too short. Honestly there were sections that i just breezed through with no problem and offered no real challenge at all. Then there were the last 4 or so missions were the most challenging in my opinion and then the game was over. The only other problem that might just be a personal thing is that sometimes when traveling through a portal there are moments in which the camera angle changes and flips and spins. Its just that i feel like this was making me just a little motion sick.

This is one of the few games that offer this much replay value. I mean even after its over there is an advanced mode that takes a few of the maps and changes things like adding the deadly sludge in a room that did not have any at one point.Fewest Steps and Least Portals are pretty self-explanatory so yeah. This game is a definite must play for anyone.
Like Always i do appreciate any and everyone that takes the time out of their day to read and hopefully enjoy the things that i do. Be sure that if you aren't already doing so follow me on Twitter
@Occasional_Game. Any and all constructive criticism is appreciated like I've said before I am not an English Major so i know that there may be errors grammatically in this. Until next time Occasional Gamer out.
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